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Create DRR

All users, including Guests, must be logged onto SPIN 2 to create an online DRR for submission to Land Titles.
Note:  All documents are registered pursuant to the information contained in the document. Land IDs entered on the DRR will not supersede the document and are not visible to registration Land Analysts.
Create DRR

On the main DRR Menu click Create DRR to bring up the DRR screen. The system will auto-populate default values into the appropriate fields for users with a DRR Profile; cursor placement defaults to the Customer File Number. If a DRR profile does NOT exist, enter the required registrant information (for non-Canadian addresses, use the two Address fields to enter your mailing address and leave the City, Province and Postal Code fields blank).
Note: Override default values in any field by highlighting text to delete, or type over, or click the Clear Fields button to clear default values in all fields above the Add a Document Section and enter new registrant information.


The Customer File Number is an optional field (maximum 25-characters); however, if provided, the Customer File Number can be used by contacts to further identify a DRR, (e.g., contact by a Land Titles Examiner or another registrant using the Pending Registration Request Listing service).

Users can also override default values by selecting another radio button.

Enter the Last Registration Number acceptable on the DRR if you want to ensure that your documents are not registered subject to unknown prior registered interests (maximum 12 alphanumeric characters, no spaces allowed). As per the current practice, only one last registration number is allowed per Land ID (i.e., legal description), or enter Clear to indicate a clear title.
Note: If a document has multiple Land IDs, each with a different last registration number, use the Customer's Special Instructions field to list them.

The Customer's Special Instructions field is optional (maximum 250-characters).

Add a Document - in order of registration priority
A limit of 8 documents per DRR is allowed; however, to facilitate submission of complex Survey Plan packages (only), this limit may be exceeded. All users receive ONE warning message when they exceed the document limit for a DRR. The system will NOT allow the creation of a DRR, in excess of the document limit, without a Survey Plan document selection.
Document Type
Supporting documentation, (e.g., affidavits requesting reduced fees, foreign ownership forms, surveyor's affidavits, consents, etc.) cannot be registered on their own and are NOT included under document types. If you choose to, they may be noted in the Customer's Special Instructions field or in the Comments field.
Use the drop-down menu to select required document type; alternatively, use the down arrow key or hit the first letter of the document type to cycle through the documents (e.g., hit the letter C to go to Caveat).
When a drop-down menu item is highlighted, using a scroll wheel will change the selection; tab to the next option or click outside the drop-down menu to "save" the selected option.
The Comments field is optional (a maximum of 60-characters). It allows the user to add a specific comment about the document being added to the DRR (e.g., in the case of multiple, same type documents, the instrument number; nature of interest; mortgage amount; etc., to show registration priority only, or to indicate an attached affidavit of reduced fees; foreign ownership; surveyor's affidavit; consent, etc.).
Note: All documents are registered pursuant to the information contained in the document itself. Aside from confirming registration priority, information provided in the Comments field will NOT supersede the document.

Certified Copy of Survey Plan - Ozalid and Other Services
Users can select one or more Other Services to be completed at the time of registration, Use Ctrl-left click to highlight and select the required service, then click Add Document, the requested service is added to the DRR for that document. If necessary, use Ctrl-left click to remove the requested service before adding the document, if the document has already been added, use the Edit feature and Ctrl-left click to remove the requested service, then update the document.

Rights Type / Land IDs
Note:  Land IDs entered on the DRR will not supersede the document and are visible to registration Land Analysts.
Most documents require Land IDs to be entered on the DRR. The Land ID is needed to search the DRR in the Pending Registration Request Listing. See the ALTA 2 Pending Registration Request User Manual, Appendix A - Document Types, on the SPIN 2 News website for a list of document types requiring Land IDs. If a selected document does not require a Land ID and one is entered, it will be retained for search purposes.
For each document, single or multiple Land IDs may be entered as per the type of Land ID used. Each Land ID must be entered on a separate line in the Land IDs data entry field. Properly formatted Land IDs can be copied and pasted into the data entry field.
Land IDs are validated for formatting, rights type selected and currency. To avoid rejection, Land IDs must be current; users should do a title search before entering Land IDs. The Rights type and format for acceptable Land IDs (i.e., Title Number, LINC Number, or Short Legal) are shown in the Search Summary, at the top of the Preview Title, and at the top of a Certified Copy of Title.

Rights Type
To refine Land ID validation, select a Rights Type before entering Land IDs in the data entry field. Rights Type include: Both (B), Mineral (M), and Surface (S). When a document affects both surface and mineral titles, select "Both" as the Rights Type.
Land IDs
To avoid duplicate data entry, Land Titles recommends users select one type of Land ID only for data entry purposes. The Land IDs data entry field accepts a maximum number of 20 LINC Numbers, Short Legals, or Title Numbers, entered on separate lines (see examples below).
Note: LINC Numbers and Short Legals may be associated with multiple titles (e.g., mineral rights, life estate rights, multiple interests, etc.). To avoid rejection, Title Number is the only type of Land ID that will be accepted by Land Titles, when dealing with a title that is "part" of a large, multiple interest parcel (i.e., when many titles exist for the same parcel of land); users should do a title search before entering Land IDs.
When submitting survey plans or documents that create or affect new Land, use "not created" as the Land ID on the DRR.
Note: Incorrect use of this option when a title exists may result in your DRR being rejected.
Examples of Land ID Types and Land IDs
Land ID Type - LINC Number  (LINC Numbers may be entered with or without the spaces as shown on a Certified Copy of Title)
0024 651 606  
0030 110 894  
0012 935 995  

Land ID Type - Short Legal  (Text entry is not case-sensitive)
Short Legal values must be present and separated by a semi-colon (;). If a value is not applicable then the ; must still exist for that value in the Land IDs data entry field (e.g., Plan 0020267, Lot 1PUL is entered as follows:  0020267;;1PUL).
If a document affects multiple Land IDs in the same Plan or Standard ATS, enter Short Legal range values to a maximum of 20 titles in the Land IDs data entry field whenever possible. Range values may be entered by using either a comma; or a hyphen; or a combination of both (e.g., If the document affects Plan 9929999, Block 1, Lots 1-7, 13-16, 27 and 31-45 enter the Land ID as follows: 9929999;1;1-7,13-16,27-31-45 or if the document affects Meridian 4, Range 5, Township 66, Sections 1 through 3 enter the Land ID as follows: 4;5;66;1-3).
Note: Land IDs entered using a range value may wrap around in the data entry field.
For Standard PBL (Plan/Block/Lot) Short Legal descriptions, the range limit for Block/Unit or Lot values is 100; if Land IDs for the document exceed this limit (e.g., Condominium Plan 0023891, Units 1 to 286), they must be entered on separate lines as follows:

1491;12;17-19 (example of a range value for Lots)
0522151;17-23,48,67-89,91,93,95-99 (example of a range value for Blocks / Units)
4;24;52;12-14 (example of a range value for Sections)
5;4;51;17;e,nw (example of a range value for Quarter Sections)
4;20;55;33;;1,8,9-12    (example of a range value for Legal Subdivisions)
Note: Alphanumeric range values can only be expressed with a comma (e.g., 9923111;7;3B,4B,5B or 0021239;1a,3a,7a or 0013812;;4C,5C,9C)

Land ID Type - Title Number  (Text entry is not case sensitive)
Users must remove the + designation for title numbers exceeding +99 in the Land IDs data entry field (e.g., 052 164 347 +485 must be entered as follows: 052164347485).
Note: When performing a title search prior to creating a DRR, title numbers with a + number extension appear as numeric values in the Search Summary (e.g., 061016518+43 appears as 061016518043); either version of the title number, up to +99 can be used in the Land IDs data entry field.
002080541003 (or 002080541+3)
061016518+43                            (or 061016518043)
052164347485 (no + allowed for data entry for title numbers exceeding +99)

Add Document
When all Land IDs have been added, click the Add Document button to add the document to the DRR and display it in the document list.

When the first document is added to the DRR, the Rights Type and original Land IDs are retained to facilitate quick entry of additional documents with the same or similar information. Original Land IDs are retained until replaced or updated, then the new or updated Land IDs are retained.
Note: Before continuing to add documents, review information for accuracy. An error repeated on multiple documents can only be edited one document at a time, or use Remove All Documents and start again.

Additional features become available once a document has been added to the DRR.
Summary Title Count
When a document is added to the DRR, a summary title count is returned when more than 1 title is found for the Land IDs entered ...

And if the Land IDs affect more than 10 titles indicating a possible large registration request.
Note: ALTA System constraints require that large registrations be registered after normal working hours which may affect the registration priority of the document.

Note: Land ID validation does not keep track of how many times a Land ID is added in the data entry field (i.e., it does not recognize duplicate entries), only that the Land IDs entered are valid. The summary title count is for each valid Land ID found, including duplicates; warnings are NOT given for duplicate entries.
Select Title for Land ID:
If the summary title count does not agree with the document, clicking the Land ID hyperlink in the document list will present the Select Titles for Land ID: feature allowing the user to further refine Land ID data entry; up to the first 10 titles will be returned.
The Preview title feature can be used to determine which titles to select; check the Add to Document box for the required titles. Do NOT click the update button before all titles have been selected. Use the Show More Titles feature to return up to the maximum viewable limit of 100 titles; if the title count exceeds 100, click the Go To Full Title Search button (for additional details see Go To Full Title Search below).
Note: Clicking update, before all titles have been selected, will remove the Land ID hyperlink from the document list and prevent users from returning to the Select Titles for Land ID: feature.

When all required titles have been selected, click Update.

Updating returns the user to the Add a Document section of the DRR, and replaces the Land IDs and the Land ID hyperlink with the Title Numbers for the selected Titles.

Go to Full Title Search
Under the Select Title for Land ID: feature, if the total titles found exceed the maximum displayable limit of 100 titles, click the Go to Full Title Search button.

Clicking the Go to Full Title Search button will open up a new window displaying the regular "interactive" SPIN 2 title search feature for the Land ID entered. The Add to Cart feature in this window will not add title numbers to the DRR but to the Shopping Cart and you may be charged for extra title purchases when checking out (remember it is the responsibility of the user to review the contents of their Shopping Cart before checking out). Users must make note of the required title numbers then close the window to return to the Add a Document section of the DRR. The user must now Edit the document to override the existing Land ID with the required title numbers and then click Update Document.  Users can avoid having to Edit a document in future if they do a title search before starting to create the DRR.

Edit allows users to amend or correct documents added to a DRR (e.g., to correct the document category or type, to add or correct Land IDs or other services, etc.).
Clicking Edit moves the document into edit mode and locks the document list while the appropriate amendments or corrections are made. Editing updates only the document selected.
Once editing is complete, click Update Document to capture document changes and return the document to its registration priority in the document list, or click Cancel to cancel changes to the document.

Note: If Land IDs for a document are edited, and those Land IDs must be used for additional documents, the user must also edit the original Land IDs entered in the Add a Document section before continuing to add documents; if additional documents were added before the Land IDs were edited, then the Land IDs for each document must also be edited.

When the original Land IDs have been edited, for each additional document to be added to the DRR, select the required document category and type then click the Add Document button.

This feature allows the user to remove (i.e., delete) the document from the DRR.
Move Up / Move Down
These options are not active for less than two documents; when active they allow the user to change the registration priority of documents added to the DRR. Use this feature to move a document up or down until the correct registration priority is achieved.
Create PDF DRR
Once all documents for the DRR have been entered, click the Create DRR button to generate the PDF DRR, or click the Cancel button to cancel DRR creation and return to the main DRR Menu.
Note: Users must always allow pop-ups from this website in order for the DRR to open properly in the Adobe Reader.

Click the OK button to create the DRR, or click the Cancel button to continue editing the DRR.

When creating the completed DRR, system messages may be returned for a variety of reasons, (e.g., warnings for large registrations, more than 1 title found, account in arrears, etc.). If a warning message is returned, it provides users the opportunity to take action before the DRR can be created.
If the information in the warning message is not correct (i.e., does not agree with the intent of the document being submitted), click the Return to DRR and make changes button (e.g., If the intent of a document is NOT a large registration, return to the DRR and refine the Land ID entered or the DRR will be rejected after submission to Land Titles.).
Note: To avoid rejection, Title Number is the only type of Land ID that will be accepted by Land Titles, when dealing with a title that is "part" of a large, multiple interest parcel (i.e., when many titles exist for the same parcel of land).
Clicking the Acknowledge Warnings and Create DRR button confirms to Land Titles that users:
1)  Have read and reviewed the warning message for accuracy, and
2)  Agree with and acknowledge the warning messages are correct as per the information provided.
Note: After submission, Land Titles may reject the DRR if the information is not correct.

Creation of an online DRR does NOT assign registration priority. A printed copy of the DRR must accompany original documents to Land Titles to complete the submission process. Only when the DRR has been received and barcode scanned at Land Titles, will registration priority be assigned and the DRR become searchable in the Pending Registration Request Listing (PRRL) service in SPIN 2.
The DRR will automatically open in from of the Confirmation of Online PDF DRR Creation screen, in an Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you experience a problem and the DRR does not automatically open, click the Re-open Printable DRR button.
Note: If a problem does occur, make sure that the setting on all pop-up blockers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Google, etc.) is set to "always allow pop-ups from this website".

To complete the submission process, users must print the DRR for submission with original documents to Land Titles.
The DRR is retained by Land Titles; users may want to print two copies of the DRR if they wish to keep a copy for their records.
Users may choose to save the PDF DRR to their hard drives for offline access.

When saving the DRR, rename the DRR from PendingDRRViewPDF.pdf (do NOT change the .pdf extension or the file will not open properly).

Use a familiar, easily remembered format for renaming and storing the DRR.

Confirmation of Online PDF DRR Creation
The Confirmation of Online PDF DRR Creation screen details the DRR #, Version # and Access Code for the DRR created. The DRR # and Access Code are required to modify or reprint the DRR after it has been created; make note of the DRR # and Access Code or print the Confirmation page for your records.

Click the Create New DRR button to create another DRR.