SPIN2 Notice Board

Important Notice Regarding SPIN2 Upgrades
Posted December 20, 2024
We are excited to announce these changes in SPIN2.

Pending Registration Queue (PRQ): Increased transparency
• Amounts for mortgages, and wages or amounts owing for builder’s liens or construction liens will now be shown in the PRQ.
SPIN2 Document Search: New search tool to ease matching registered documents to titles
• This new function to easily identify the number of titles on which a particular instrument is registered.
Found under: Search - Titles and Registered Documents - Registered Documents - Document Current Title List.
Alberta Land Titles and Surveys
Important Notice Regarding the new Registries for Land Online (ARLO) 
Posted October 28, 2024
Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction (SARTR) has launched the first iteration of our new
Land Titles System, ARLO (Alberta Registry for Land Online).
SPIN2 will remain operational until all functions delivered by the system are available in ARLO. Please consider trying it out here if you are completing a simple Land Titles search using plan/block/lot information at any time of day with payment by credit card. 
More information found in the Publications menu, or click here 
Alberta Land Titles & Surveys 
Important Notice Regarding Registration Levy Implementation 
Posted October 8, 2024

The Land Titles Registration Levy was announced in Budget 2024 comes into effect for submissions received by October 20, 2024. Submissions received on or after October 20 will be subject to the new levy.

Note: Incomplete submissions may be rejected or removed from the pending registration queue or charged the new levy per Section 14.1(6)(b) of the Land Titles Act. In addition, submission extensions that go beyond 30 days may be subject to the new levy.

For transfers of land and mortgage registrations, the $50 flat fee will remain unchanged. The variable fee has been replaced with the levy.

  • For transfers of land, the variable fee will increase from $2 per $5,000 in property value to $5 per $5,000 and becomes the levy.
  • For mortgage registrations and caveats that charge the land, the variable charge will increase from $1.50 per $5,000 of mortgage value to $5 per $5,000 and becomes the levy.

For more information, click here.

 Alberta Land Titles & Surveys
Important Notice Regarding Builders’ Liens cut off Dates
Posted August 28, 2024
The 2-year transition period for construction contracts to comply with the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act ends on August 29, 2024. For contracts signed before August 29, 2022, Land Titles and Surveys will only accept Builders’ Liens up until the following dates:
-  Regular Builders’ Liens must be received by October 13, 2024 
 (45 days from August 29, 2024).
- Oil and gas Builders’ Liens must be received by November 27, 2024 
(90 days from August 29, 2024).
Liens on contracts signed August 29, 2022 or after must use the Construction Lien forms.
Alberta Land Titles & Surveys
Important Notice Regarding Builders’ Liens and Construction Liens
Posted May 27, 2024
Construction projects and advancing of funds can be delayed if the Construction Lien or Builders’ Lien have not yet been cleared from the title. To address these concerns, on June 15, 2022, the Land Titles and Surveys (LTS) opted to expedite Court Orders Discharging Builders’ Lien registrations.
 Effective May 27, 2024 – LTS will continue to expedite registrations of Court Orders Discharging Builders’ Lien and will now also include expedited registrations for Cancellation/Discharges of Construction Liens and Builders’ Liens and Court Orders Discharging Constructions Liens.
This will only apply to the following document types
             ▪ Court Orders Discharging Construction Lien
             ▪ Court Orders Discharging Builders’ Lien
             ▪ Cancellation of Construction Lien executed by the Lienholder or Agent for the Lienholder
             ▪ Cancellation of Builders’ Lien executed by the Lienholder or Agent for the Lienholder
See client notice dated 2024-05-27 here to learn more. 
 Alberta Land Titles & Surveys
Important Notice Regarding Changes to SPIN2
Posted Tuesday April 2, 2024
On April 1, 2024, the Government of Alberta has implemented a Seniors Discount
that will support Alberta Seniors.

Seniors who reside in Alberta who are performing a title search for personal use only and are 65 years of age or older will be eligible to receive a 25% discount on Title Searches at the time of purchase.
Please note: This discount can only be requested by the individual themselves, an agent or third party on behalf of the senior individual cannot request for the discount on their behalf.
Click here to learn more. 
 Alberta Land Titles & Surveys 
Important Notice Regarding Registration Policy and Procedure Updates
Posted Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Government of Alberta’s Land Titles and Surveys branch is making changes to provide more effective and timely service to clients and help reduce Red Tape.

The following changes to the large registration takes place immediately.

Please note: The following changes pertain to paper submissions only and cannot be submitted through ALTO.

Large Registration Packages

Clarification of the new procedures on documents containing more than 20 titles.

Land Titles no longer requires documents containing more than 20 titles to be broken down by the submitter.

- Please only submit one originally executed document. Extra or photocopies are not required.

- Land Titles will break down the document to accommodate registration during normal business hours or register after-hours, if necessary.

Pending Registration Queue (PRQ)

Creation of DRRs

- DRRs must populate the PRQ with all Land IDs for each document being submitted.

- DRRs may contain 500 Land IDs per document up to 8 documents per DRR.

- Please do not create multiple DRRs for one document containing more than 20 titles.

Please note: Additional fees may be incurred upon implementation of this policy.

Exception: Due to the nature of documents registered by the surveys department, we will continue to accept documents that affect/create more than 20 titles.

Please forward this notice to all parties within your organization who deal with Land Titles.

Alberta Land Titles & Surveys

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